Rocket to Moon

Educational program for exhibition “Estonian Footprint in Space – Footprint of Space in Estonia”.










The program consisted of tour in the exhibition in method of active lecturing. Children were explained little bit of the history of exploring, the first Estonian student satellite ESTCube-1 and it’s work and location in real time in space. We were showing how much space debris human have done in space but also explained the problem with light pollution. Everyone could weight themselves in other planets and see the scale of Universe. We were admiring the pictures taken from space and talked about different types of satellites. Children were discussing how the satellites are affecting their everyday life and they were amazed how much they actually depend on the satellite systems. On the exhibition there was a wall full of meteorites where the different types were explained and they could also touch them. From the future different projects were discussed and we had a model of space hotel for seeing.

In the program of preschool children there were always examples from popular Estonian cartoons and fairytales to link the space and their knowledge. On birthdays we played through the launch of the rocket and there were more games involved.


Making rockets

Testing the launch








The program ended with the manual activity where children had to make paper rocket using paper, tape and scissors. The rockets were launched using simple method of  pushing air out of the bottle. Children loved the competition afterwards. If children were more competitive and they had a real inventor’s mind then the rocket was improved after testing – what happens when you add more fins to rocket or take them off, what shape is best for fins, where should they be situated and so on.

From this beloved educational program one of the souvenirs of TUT formed out.








Mysterious electricity

In this program we are looking the exhibition “Estonian Energy Industry” to find out how is it possible that we have electricity at home or heating system. We are discussing the whole chain from raw materials to mining to production until consumption. The lecture is held in active method, that the conductor is asking and children are answering and actively listening.


Children discussing home appliances. Which one is consuming electricity the most?

What is Smart house?

But why do we need oilshale?








For manual activity we are making paper circuit behind cards with copper-tape, LEd-diode, battery and paper. Children learn about circuit, conductive materials, + and -, short circuit, open circuit and closed circuit.

There is no age limit in the workshops – adults are also having fun!

The cards exhibition after workshop

Hearty robot











For pre-school we are playing with squishy circuits using salty modelling compound, batteries and wires. Children are modelling a shape using salty modelling compound, then the electricity is conducted to there by wires from batteries and the LED-diode is going to light-up. We are watching thoroughly the battery to find out how the the electricity is formed. Children learn about circuit, when the lights are turning on and off, what happens when the + and – are mixed up.

Christmas tree with light


Balloon-Powered Car

In the event of Reseacher’s Night 2016 the theme was “Fantasy”.

We carried out the workshop of fantasy-cars for children that had a motor that uses only air pressure to drive. We discussed with children the possibility to use the same kind of power in real life – is it possible or not and why or how can it be done.

Balloon-powered car

Making the car








The cars were made using cardboard as the frame, straws for holding axles. For axles were used the skewers, we had styrofoam wheels and also 1 straw for blowing the balloon. After first tests there were always methods for improving the car. Children learned if the thicker or thinner wheels were more stable, where should the balloon be fixed for the best results, why the axles need to be parallel and some even tried to put more than 1 balloon-motor on the car. It was fun and educative!

Car with 2 “motors”

Family helps the child

Boys testing the car









In the event of Museum Night 2016, the theme was “Waves”.

We had workshop of making trilobites out of paper. We explained on the exhibition “Estonian Energy Industry” that the main raw material used for Estonian electricity is oil shale and that is formed by organics. We showed the fossils in the oil shale and studied some of them more thoroughly. We had a small collection of rocks and fossils from TUT Institute of Geology and we explained their life, eating habits etc. It was one of the main attractions during the night. Children loved to make trilobites out of paper. For smaller ones we had easier version of the trilobite rings and more skilled children could make even more detailed and lifelike trilobite.

This workshop we have used also afterwards for educational programs.

Detailed paper trilobite











A Model of the Sound Screen of the Tallinn Song Stage

Song Festival in 2009. Teet Malsroos

One day, architect Alar Kotli came to visit me at the technical university with a shy smile on his face and carrying a package under his arm. Inside the package was a 30-40 cm long model of the song stage made from cardboard, paper and thread. He explained to me that he had won the first prize in Tallinn, in the new song stage design competition, and now the Council of Ministers had decided to build the song stage according to his design. He asked me if I thought this was at all technically feasible. I said that I didn’t know. By that time, the suspended roofs had been used in many places around the world for several years, but all of them were supported with heavy reinforced concrete structural edge parts over the whole perimeter, which in turn rested on walls or columns. And now suddenly – one longitudinal edge of the suspended roof, the so called front arc with an opening of almost 80 m, should hang freely in the air. It seemed that it required support for itself. However I took some weeks to think.

Heinrich Laul. “About the Tallinn Song Stage and architect Alar Kotli”. Sirp ja Vasar, 29.06. 1984.


Testing the constructions with model, 1959.









In order to work out the conceptual design of the sound screen of the Tallinn Song Stage, model tests were carried out in the building constructions cathedra of the Tallinn University of Technology under the supervision of professor Laul. The model was built from the materials anticipated for the original, to the scale 1 : 25. During testing of the model, the internal forces of the cables were determined and evaluated more accurately. Also, it became possible to clarify issues related to the stability of the structure, regarding deformations and tensioning. After the cable net was covered with timber boards, the model was later also used for evaluating the acoustic properties of the screen.

before.. (2010)

…after (2011)

Conservationworks by Kanut, 2011.










The model was found in spring-summer of 2010 at the former material laboratory of TUT in Kopli, where it had been forgotten for almost fifty years. In the same year, the restoring faculty of the Estonian Art Academy cleaned the paper covering of the screen-roof, repaired the torn areas and made local paint improvements with watercolours. The model was cleaned, but it still required restoration. In 2011, the model was taken to the restoration company Kanut, whose the experts began restoration of the model.

In 2014 team opened the model as exhibition in Tallinn University of Technology. It has a case that controls it’s humidity and special lighting for not ruining the delicate paper.

A Model of the sound screen of the tallinn song stage on the exhibition in TUT, 2014.



Nutrition is a field of science our body can experience both directly and immediately. Eating is a practice, results of which show how our digestion functions, what happens when we succumb to our appetites or follow a controlled diet. You could say that you are what you eat.

The world of food and nutrition is colourful and multi-layered. Our first food is breast milk, which is the basis for the development of a strong immune system. In the following years, we should keep in mind that there are two evils in the world – too much and too little.
Hodgepodge – see if you can chew your way through it.


