23 centuries ago the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle described 47 species of insects, in present time there are already more than one million known species of insects. Humans can consider themselves very lucky: our most important neighbours on Earth are creatures that can only be described with superlatives. The most numerous, most diverse, most exciting, most annoying, most helpful, cutest, sweetest, most important…

The exhibition “Metamorphoses – InsectsInsectsInsects!” told a story of the diverse world of insects and how the insects are a source of inspiration to engineers, artists, musicians and many more. The foundation of this exhibition was made up of the vast insect collection of entomologist Allan Selin and the texts written by the known nature guy Urmas Tartes. The socio psychological video “Jaanika” by Jaan Toomik and the short film “The Death of an Insect” by Hannes Vartiainen and Pekka Veikkolainen took the visitor to the world of transformation.
